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US: Big federal grant awarded to help tackle rose rosette disease

The USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced nearly $4.6 million in funding to manage, mitigate, and solve the devastating garden rose pathogen known as rose rosette disease (RRD). The funding was provided through the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI), a Farm Bill program, which AmericanHort worked to improve in the new 2014 Farm Bill.

Following the 2008 Farm Bill, many SCRI project proposals that would have addressed serious horticulture industry issues went unfunded due to a flawed review process. However, the new legislative language, supported by AmericanHort, has driven more industry participation and greater emphasis on industry relevance. On the RRD project, a strong team of scientists collaborated with industry to develop a solid proposal, and the new review process puts greater emphasis on industry needs. So the project has been funded.

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