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US: Rutgers Professor’s ‘Super Lettuce’ now available in grocery stores

Thanks to a Rutgers professor, one of our healthiest foods has gotten healthier with the lettuce hitting grocery store shelves on Saturday.

“It's the first time I think something really good happened to lettuce, because it’s the second most commonly consumed vegetable in the world and yet it’s not known for anything good or bad and now it’s gotten a functionality and some true benefits for health,” said plant biology professor Ilya Raskin.

Raskin broke down lettuce into individual cells, reproduced the cells high in antioxidants and there you go– super lettuce!

What Raskin did, he says, is introduced nutritionally beneficial traits into lettuce.

Now, the professor is working on lettuce high in iron, calcium and vitamins B and D.

Raskin hopes the “super super lettuce” will come out in the next couple years.

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