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India: Tomatoes farmers suffering loss due to bountiful yields

Tomato farmers in Kurnool district are suffering huge losses due to bountiful yields and low demand. This problem of plenty is so much that the prices have fallen to as low as 50 paisa a kilogram in Pattikonda and Rs 5 in Kurnool town.

At some places the vegetable is being given away freely or just being dumped. Exactly a year ago in 2013, tomato prices skyrocketed and were sold at exorbitant prices across the country. At its zenith, the vegetable would cost Rs 100 a Kg in Delhi.

“The market is being flooded with abundant quantities of tomatoes. There is heavy supply and low demand so the prices are falling drastically. Many nurseries are selling good quality tomato plants to farmers which are yielding great quantities of tomatoes,” said Sippa Reddy, a tomato farmer at Kurnool vegetable market.

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