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Spain: Andalusia has over 800,000 hectares of organic crops

The General Director for Quality, Agro-Food Industry and Organic Production of the Government of Andalusia, Ana Romero, stressed that the organic farming sector continues to consolidate in Andalusia, with 806,726 hectares of land devoted to these crops, representing 54% of Spain's total, and 9,931 operators, including producers, processors and importers. The organic industry has generated more than 20,000 direct and indirect jobs.

"These figures are the result of the efforts of many men and women, with support from the regional government." Andalusia has implemented organic farming plans since 2002. The 2nd Andalusian Plan for Organic Agriculture (2007-2013) alone has resulted in the investment of over 300 million Euro to support organic products, assist in their industrial processing, encourage domestic consumption and strengthen research, control systems and the transparency of certifications. 

A tool for sustainability and rural development 
Currently, the Council is working together with the sector in the 3rd Andalusian Plan for Agriculture and Organic Farming (2014-2020), which will soon be presented to the Andalusian Committee for Organic Production. 

All of this shows that organic farming "is one of the most comprehensive tools to meet the challenges of sustainability, rural development and climate change," said the general director, who has stressed the importance of this sector "both in the present and future, as well as its potential to increase exports and generate employment in rural areas."

BIOCórdoba 2014 
BIOCórdoba 2014, organised by the Provincial Government and the City of Córdoba, the Organic Value Association (Ecovalia) and the Andalusian Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, is held between 10 and 18 October. 

This event, of particular importance to the sector, addresses the major problems the sector faces and contributes to finding solutions and business through different activities. These projects include a technical conference on sustainability and organic farming held next Wednesday, 15 October. 

On 14 and 15 October, school students from Cordoba aged 10 to 13 will be given a chance to visit the Agricultural Centre of the Council of Cordoba to see the facilities first hand.

On Thursday 16 October, a panel discussion will be organised to discuss urban gardens, their benefits, scope and their current status in Andalusia.

There will also be workshops on the "Keys to success in the marketing of organic products" and meetings will be held between producers and purchasers.

Source: Agroinformación

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