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Outstanding Results With Pro-Mix Biofungicide

All Pro-Mix Biofungicide products have been enriched with a biofungicide that prevents root diseases. Bacillus subtilis-MBI-600 bacteria colonize developing root systems and suppress disease causing organisms such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium.

When properly used, Pro-Mix Biofungicide has the following benefits:
  • Protection against damping-off, crown and root rots caused by Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium;
  • Enhanced germination;
  • Better plant growth;
  • Reduced risk of developing pathogen resistance;
  • Broad spectrum of action against diseases.

Pro-Mix Biofungicide operates to reduce disease symptoms by one or a combination of mechanisms, which essentially confer upon them a competitive advantage over the pathogen. They can result in: direct destruction of pathogen, a reduction of the spread of the pathogen and/or pathogen exclusion from the site of infection.

For more information
Premier Tech Horticulture
1, avenue Premier
Rivière-du-Loup (Québec)
Canada G5R 6C1
T.: +1 418 867-8883
Toll free: +1 855 867-5407
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