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Chas Hodges on spritzing greenery with gin:

UK: Are your plants drunk enough?

Can some plants be likened to humans? And can some humans have plant-like traits? Some comparisons have been made in both cases, but how far can it go?

Imagine Gardeners’ Question Time. “OK, the lady at the front in the red hat. You have a question?” “Yes I have.” “OK, love, fire away.” “OK, my name’s Maud Binge from Dudley and it concerns my husband. You see, he seems of late to be growing quite a bit out of the top of his trousers. He has been wearing these strides for some years now, so could he be trouserbound?

“I’ve kept him well cropped over the years and made sure he’s been fed regularly; perhaps I should cut down on feed? His fruit and veg is beginning to drop off a bit of late too, but I am managing and the greengrocer round the corner said he’s always there if I’m stuck. But is my husband worth re-potting, or re-trousering as it were?

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