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AU: NT Minister for Primary Industry answers biosecurity concerns

The Northern Territory's Minister for Primary Industry was on the Country Hour today to take questions and hear concerns about a range of biosecurity issues currently plaguing the Top End.

The Darwin and Katherine horticultural sectors have been shaken by the discovery of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) in watermelon crops and a new plan to eradicate Banana Freckle from the north.

Minister Willem Westra van Holthe has been in Katherine today meeting with growers affected by CGMMV. He says some farmers are not following department orders to destroy their melon crops and are likely to take legal action.

"My advice is that there are a couple of farms that aren't doing what they're supposed to do and [aren't] following directions right now. There's a couple [of farms] that might even be pursuing legal action and are talking to their lawyers," he said.

"What I'm focussing on now is asking everybody to do the right thing. I know this is going to effect livelihoods... what we do need to do is protect the melon industry in the Northern Territory and eradicate this virus if we possibly can."

It's not just the melon industry calling the lawyers, with the Territory's largest banana farm believed to be also looking at its legal options as it faces a wipe out under the new $26 million plan to eradicate Banana Freckle.

"The Darwin Banana Farm aren't happy with this approach and they would much rather keep operating, and feel they can manage Banana Freckle on their farm," said Mr Westra van Holthe.

"They're not happy... but if we don't eradicate Banana Freckle in the Northern Territory we run the risk of being declared endemic. If we're declared endemic then you can pretty much kiss our banana industry goodbye."

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