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France: Saveol cultivates sea vegetables in greenhouses

Saveol has been developing a range of sea vegetables grown in their 4.5 ha of greenhouses. The products on offer in Saveol’s range are : Criste, Pourpier, Salsola and Salicorne. Saveol are the first in the world to grow sea vegetables in greenhouses. Following three years of research, the vegetables are grown in their 4.5 ha of greenhouses and watered with sea water and salted water. Given their high sensitivity to light, specific techniques have been developed. Total production should reach over 100 tons in 2014. Production is totally “ecological” as no chemical treatments are used and weeding is done by hand.

Salicorne is the main variety grown and takes up three quarters of their production area. Salicornia Europea is of European origin and is the only variety that can be eaten fresh. Conservation is almost 12 days if stored between 2-3ºC. “We can vary the salt levels to the clients taste” explains Gilles Fournier, the producer behind the idea. Whilst sea water has a 35 gram/litre salt level, the water used here varies between 5-20 grams/litre. “We cut at the order for same day or next day delivery” they explain. The vegetables are packaged in 250 gram trays for consumers, or 1,2,3 or 5 kg packages for professionals. Saveol received Interfel’s Innovafel prize last July.

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