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NZ: Will history be made, repeated at the 2014 'Young Horticulturist of the Year'?

“Through this workshop we introduce the finalists to each other and the planning required for their AGMARDT Market Innovation Projects, a written activity within the competition. Their project ideas have generated some inspired concepts,” says Nicola Rochester, Chair of the RNZIH Education Trust.

Celebrating its tenth year, the competition has helped nurture and develop the careers of finalists and winners across the six horticulture sectors; Horticulture NZ (Vegetable and Fruit sectors) Landscaping New Zealand, NZ Recreation-Amenity Horticulture, NZ Winegrowers, Nursery and Garden Industry of New Zealand.

The ‘Young Horticulturist of the Year’ competition was set up in 2005 to encourage young people under the age of 30, working in horticulture to develop long term careers in the industry. “There are multiple benefits as we see a number of past finalists taking up significant roles in horticulture; a $3.5 billion dollar industry that plays such a valuable role in New Zealand’s economy,” explains Nicola Rochester, Chairperson of RNZIH Education Trust, who have managed the competition since 2005.

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