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The AC film-season is starting again and many growers plan to install permanent anti-condensation film screens. But what and how exactly? Cees van der Kaaij, of, explains some key points.
Order on time
The first point: Order on time. Deliveries may take as long as 6 weeks and not ordering in time results in unnecessary extra stress during the rotation.
Dripping spots
Install a polyester wire bed under the lowest layer and above each row of plants. As a result, dripping spots are in the path and not over the plants.
Delivering film
Have the foil preferably delivered flat, not folded. Order the right custom size. To calculate it, take the greenhouse width + 1.5% + overhang (e.g. 2x1 metres). Have the film rows (up to three per roll) custom made to the right size.
Anti-fog coating
Film can be single or double sided with an anti-fog coating. This depends on the manufacturer. Van der Kaaij advises double sided AC film. It is worth noting that some brands are much more difficult to lift up and mount than others.
The perforation of the sheet may be carried out in different ways, depending on the greenhouse climate. Thus it is possible to keep colder walls warmer by perforating the first and last metres of the row. If 20x20 perforation is done within 20 metres, and the middle of the row is provided with 10x10 perforation, cold walls can be kept warmer.
Installation and stapling
Obtain twine and drawstring. This is strong enough to pull long rows of about 200 metres and saves time and money. Consider doing the mounting and stapling yourself.
Single movable system
Consider the possibility of ordering a simple movable system to open up the rows. This way, the AC film can be used for several weeks longer.
For more information: Cees van der Kaaij Langestraat 15 2691 BB 's-Gravenzande