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Kenyan exporters call on EU, EAC to hurry up with trade deal

Kenya’s fresh produce exporters on Wednesday called on the East Africa Community (EAC) and the European Union negotiators to speed up ratification of the new Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
Kenya Flower Council (KFC) Chief Executive Officer Jane Ngige told Xinhua in Nairobi that she hopes negotiating parties will speed up the ratification of the EPA to save Kenyan exports from incurring taxes.

Ngige also confirmed that the exporters will from Oct. 1 start paying taxes on goods entering the EU, until the ratification of the EPA which, she said, could take less than six months to complete.

"Kenyan exporters will pay duties until the EPA is ratified.

"It’s painful for them, they are asking for quickening of the process to make it shortest possible," Ngige told Xinhua.

"Exporters will incur cost of the duties, it’s not expected the situation will last more than six months; therefore the prices will not be adjusted for markets sustainability," she added.

Ngige, however, said fast tracking the ratification of the EPA will help mitigate the danger of Kenyan exporters losing a considerable share in EU markets to its main competitors such as Equator, Columbia and Ethiopia.

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