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Baja California Sur

Mexico: Tornado causes huge losses to tomato sector

Damage to tomato crops in the Mexican municipality of Comondú could exceed $10 million; the greenhouses were badly damaged after hurricane Odile hit the area. Approximately 1,500 labourers working in the fields of Valle de Santo Domingo have lost their jobs. 

Guadalupe Ramírez, Francisco Pelayo Covarrubias, brothers Juan Manuel and Enrique Ríos Cruz, and the groups Los Reyes and Los Espinoza announced that the losses are huge, especially as a result of the damages suffered by the greenhouse structures.

"The vast majority of them are damaged," said Guadalupe Ramírez, "and the tomato plants, which were barely a couple of months old, will all be practically lost, as they won't have the necessary mesh-shade protection against weather and pests." 

Also in the mountainous area of San Luis Gonzaga and Tepentú are organic greenhouse producers reporting great losses. Growers are waiting for the authorities of the State Government and SAGARPA to make an official assessment of damages in order to seek government support.

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