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"Spain: "Almeria has the world's largest greenhouse acreage with almost no phytosanitary treatments"
Horticultural sector expects to cultivate about 26,600 hectares with biological control in the 2013/2014 campaign.
Around 26,600 hectares of greenhouse fruit and vegetables protected with biological control methods will be grown in the province of Almeria in the 2014-2015 season, according to estimates from the Provincial Delegation of the Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment. If these prospects are confirmed, this will entail a slight 0.5% increase in the acreage compared to the 2013-2014 campaign, in which biological control methods have been applied in 26,440 hectares, according to estimations from the Government of Andalusia.
By crops Despite the progress made with tomatoes, peppers remain the product with the largest acreage grown using such methods, with 9,300 hectares; about 40 less than in the 2013-2014 season. A slight drop was also registered in the acreage of cucumbers with biological control, with 2,530 hectares, compared to 2,570 last year. The fourth in terms of acreage are melons, with 1,860 hectares, 7.5 percent less than in the previous season.
As for watermelons, it is estimated that about 1,450 hectares will be cultivated, about 30 less than in 2013. For aubergines, 1,160 hectares are expected, about 20 more than last year; for courgettes, about 50 more, from 940 to 990, while green beans remain stable, with about 145 hectares.