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Africa Must Spurn GM crops

Human beings were created to reproduce; so as crops and animals on the stream of living things. Can you imagine if people on earth stop the process of reproduction and decide to clone them? This will undoubtedly lead to the process of human extinction. Why should man grow seeds that have no strength to reproduce? These are seeds that are grown once and their seedlings aftermath cannot be replanted. This was not the case in Africa .Africa has had a period of its farmers replanting seedlings from the previous seasons harvest to cut cost and ensure bumper harvest. The introduction of genetically modified crops and seedlings will mean that poor farmers in Africa will be buying seedlings every season to plant since the genetically modified seedlings are not reproductive. This will put huge burden on African farmers who would have to rely on governments to purchase seedlings for them. It will also lead to high cost of farm produce on a continent that is already experiencing economic instability

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