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Russia: Mega-greenhouse to appear in Tyumen

In Tyumen region the construction of another ambitious agricultural project - the so-called mega-greenhouse - is coming to an end. Its area equals 11 hectares which corresponds to the size of fourteen football fields! The total investment exceeds two billion rubles (40 million Euro).

It is planned to grow cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce according to the Dutch cultivation technology. Its idea is to cultivate plants not in the conventional soil, but in an artificial environment. This technology involves special heating, ventilation and dripping systems, as well as original framework.

The output of the complex is expected to reach 27.5 MT per day, and up to 9000 MT per year. This is more than sufficient for the whole region. Producers guarantee healthy production with natural taste and reasonable price, in spite of the unusual technique of cultivation.

The first yield of vegetables is expected at the end of the year.

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