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How organic farming reduces CO2

Author Julia Merz, wrote, in a recent article Experts Agree: Organic Farming Is Revolutionary published on 23 September 2014, that it is time to get back to the roots of farming to save the earth. The Rodale Institute, the Carbon Underground, and Organic Consumers Association hosted a panel of experts to discus regenerative organic agriculture.

One of the key speakers was, Vandana Shiva, PhD, founder of the research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. Dr. Shiva stated, “I would say that organic farming is 100 percent, the solution to our health, unemployment, poverty, biodiversity and water problems.”

We now know that regenerative organic agriculture goes well beyond the problems list earlier. Organic farming can solve the world’s carbon problem. According to the Rodale Institute, “regenerative organic farming can sequester carbon in a way that not just limits, but reverses, the threatening levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.”

Kristine Nichols, PhD, chief scientist at the Rodale Institute, explained that if we shift to a regenerative organic model of agriculture, “40 percent of the total annual carbon emissions will be taken out of the atmosphere and stored in the soil.” (That’s an estimated reduction of 21 gigatons of carbon dioxide every year, or about 4.2 billion cars off the road.)


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