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Velco Holland Overseas building greenhouse foundations in Australia

At the beginning of 2014, Marco van Velzen, Anita Weerheim, their children, and their greenhouse foundations company moved from the Netherlands to Australia. Marco already has 10 years of experience in greenhouse foundations in Australia. He saw opportunities in the Australian market and moved to Australia to establish an Australian company: Velco Holland Overseas.

Velco Holland Overseas works as subcontractor for Dutch ans Australian greenhouse manufacturers. The Australian horticulture is developing. There are relatively few greenhouses and many greenhouses are bought built. "These are mostly large greenhouse projects" says Anita. Remarkably, the growers have direct contact with the chain. "There is a demand for a clean, safe product. The sales are often already arranged."


The demand for new greenhouses was the reason why they went to Australia. In the Netherlands, it is becoming harder to find work, but in Australia it is easier. To be present in the country is therefore an advantage. "From the Netherlands, the materials and machines are often a couple of months under way. Now, we can be present at the project quickly.

Working in Australia is different than in the Netherlands. "Installing foundations and groundwork is similar, but you need to be prepared for other aspects. The environment is more extreme and distances are enormous. There can be rock in the ground with a diameter of two meters. It were not surprises because Marco already knew the country. Additionally, the layers in the ground are tougher. Therefore, one need special equipment. "The machine park of Velco Holland Overseas has been purchased in the Netherlands and imported to Australia.

Another difference between the Netherlands and Australia is the strict Australian legislation. Regarding paper work etcetera, having an Australian section of Velco Holland is an additional advantage.

For more information:
Velco Holland Overseas
15 Antipodes Close 
Castaways Beach
Queensland, Australia 4567
Marco van Velzen 
T: +61 (0)4 – 39 862 097 
Anita Weerheim
T; +61 (0)4 – 87 430 845
Office phone:
T; +61 (0)7 – 5474 9887 
Skype: marcovanvelzen1
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