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UK: Vegetable prices falling in grocery market

The latest grocery share figures from Kantar Worldpanel, published today for the 12 weeks ending 14 September 2014, show overall grocery market growth slowing to a new record low of 0.3% as price inflation falls to zero.

Fraser McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar Worldpanel explains: “Consumers are currently benefiting from intense price competition between the grocers. For the first time ever we’ve seen the average basket of everyday goods bought today costing exactly the same as it did a year ago. With some staple groceries such as vegetables, milk and bread prices are actually falling as the big retailers all compete for a bigger slice of shoppers’ wallets. As a result the grocery market is currently growing by just 0.3%, the lowest level since our market data was first compiled in 1993.”

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