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'FloraHolland 2020' draft strategy

Click the link below to read the outline of 'FloraHolland 2020', which we hope to discuss with you as of 2 October.

With this draft strategy and ambitions, we are fully confident that FloraHolland can once again add value for our members and their customers, as well as our employees, and continue to do so in the future.
The draft strategy is based on extensive studies and many discussions with members, customers, employees and other stakeholders.

Click here for the outline of 'FloraHolland 2020' (PDF).

We stress that we will not present a finished strategy and concrete detailed plans in the meetings. Due to the unique character of our cooperation, it is important that members, customers and employees can input their views and opinions, and thereby have their say on the final strategy.

We hope that we will meet many members and customers at the meetings, because only together can we make the floriculture industry blossom.

Click here for the list of meetings for members (PDF).
Click here for the list of meetings for customers (PDF).

For more information:
Management Board
Lucas Vos
Rens Buchwaldt

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