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Russia: Turkish greenhouse complex to be built in Volgograd

At the International Economic Forum “Sochi-2014” the Governor of Volgograd Andrey Bocharov signed an agreement with Turkey on construction of a greenhouse complex.

It has been negotiated with NASSAN Company to implement the investment project of vegetable growing in the Volgograd region. As a result, the largest in the Southern Federal District vegetable-growing complex is to be built in the Volgograd region. It is also planned to start producing French fries and vegetable mixes.

The new greenhouse complex is to simultaneously use high-pressure steam and heat power; numerous greenhouses are to be constructed, cooling and freezing chambers to be installed. Total project investment equals 3.5 billion rubles (70 million Euro).

LUKOIL Company is to take part in the implementation of the project, the idea of building of multi-fuel filling stations near the complex is being considered.

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