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Friday, 31 October 2014 - Delf, the Netherlands

Netherlands: Annual symposium steering plants and connecting them to people

This year the annual symposium of the BeNeLux Society for Horticultural Science (BNL SHS) will be entitled: Horticulture – Steering plants and connecting them to people. It will be held on Friday, 31 October 2014 at Hogeschool Inholland, Rotterdamseweg 141, 2628 AL Delft, The Netherlands. Convener is Olaf van Kooten.

This symposium is meant for both scientists and professionals in horticulture; the language will be English.

If you are interested in attending the symposium please register by sending the registration (PDF) form to [email protected] not later than 17 October 2014.

You will find this form at
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