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US: Greenhouse Heating Checklist

Effective and economical greenhouse heating is the union of an appropriate heat source and an efficient heat distribution system. The best greenhouse heat source in the world is useless if the heat cannot be transferred to the plant environment. Likewise, an efficient heat distribution system is useless if an adequate heat source is not used. The most efficient greenhouse heat source and the most efficient heat distribution system can continue to work well -- only when properly maintained.

An important step in the proper maintenance of a greenhouse heating system is to establish an orderly plan for inspection of the system's components. These components include the heaters and all other elements of the structure that effect the efficient operation of the heating system. Each heating system component should be inspected annually before the heating season.

When nursery personnel lack expertise or specialized equipment for heating system and greenhouse maintenance, the use of maintenance specialists is recommended.

The following checklist covers the steps that should be taken to insure that greenhouse heating systems operate at peak efficiency. All elements mentioned will not be present in each greenhouse. Check the operation of those that are part of your system.

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