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US: Rhode Island is running dry, but we’re not in a drought yet

Rhode Island is not officially in a drought, but “We’re drying out fast,” said Nicole Belk at the National Weather Service in Taunton, Mass.

Ponds, rivers and streams are low, farmers who have the equipment are irrigating, and luckily it hasn’t been hot, or the apples would be dropping off the trees.

The irrigation system at Confreda Greenhouses and Farm in Western Cranston has been running continuously all summer. “We only caught one rainstorm,” said Vincent Confreda. “We’ve seen a lot of the showers go right around us.”

The irrigation system drew from two ponds, and now “both ponds are dry,” he said Monday. They have “just enough water left in them to keep the fish alive.”

He said the farm had to manage its priorities and let a few of the tomatoes and winter squash go by. From the rest of the farm, however, “We’re still picking a good crop.”

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