How to remove coatings with ReduClean
ReduClean is needed to properly remove the coating. Assume you need 10 cans (250 litre) per hectare. The maximum dilution rate is 1:7 (250 litres ReduClean in approximately 1,750 litres water). Apply ReduClean to a dry greenhouse roof, preferably a few hours before it is expected to rain. ReduClean reacts with the coating and loosens it from the roof. The coating will wash away providing it rains within three days. You can also choose to remove the coating with a roof washer after applying ReduClean.
If ReduClean is being used on a foil it is recommended to rinse the greenhouse with water within a few hours after application.
If ReduClean ends up in the water reservoir check the pH of the irrigation water. ReduClean has a high alkaline activity so the pH in the water reservoir may be temporarily higher.