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Thursday 2 October, FloraHolland Rijnsburg

Flora Holland: Meet & Greet for disbud chrysanthemums

A Meet & Greet will take place for disbud chrysanthemums in the presentation area of FloraHolland Rijnsburg on Thursday, 2 October 2014.
Pluis 20Chrysant

Growers will be presenting their seasonal and annual offerings of disbud chrysanthemums between 10:00 and 12:00. There will also be an opportunity for buyers, growers and plant breeders to share their knowledge on market development, quality and product range. FloraHolland's chrysanthemum product team will be present during the Meet & Greet to help you and answer any questions.
More information

Please contact the Customer Services of Flora Holland

Date: Thursday, 2 October
Time: 10.00 - 12.00
Location: Presentation area, FloraHolland Rijnsburg
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