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Europe: Meet and coach your next business relation in tropical and exotic fruit from Colombia

CBI, PROEXPORT Colombia, ASOHOFRUCOL and ANALDEX have joined forces to coach future exporters in the Tropical and Exotic Fresh Fruit sector in Colombia with an Export Coaching Programme. In order to make the most out of this programme they are involving European entrepreneurs. Are you interested in partaking? If you are, please fill in this form and they will contact you.

The coaching programme will engage European importers in an early stage of the programme in order to create sustainable and beneficial relations between producers, exporters and importers even before Colombian entrepreneurs enter the European market. You as an entrepreneur and importer of Flowers, can be part of this project in the following ways (depending on your own interest):
  • Participate in the business audit and selection of companies;
  • Participate as a guest speaker and share knowledge during training workshops;
  • Coach selected companies (alongside the CBI experts);
  • Be involved in certification processes;
  • Participate in B2B events, including buyers mission.
For more information please visit the website;

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