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US (CA): Driscoll’s celebrates second harvest glasshouse blackberries

As a result of continuous investments in applied research and extensive breeding programmes, Driscoll’s started with their second harvest of glasshouse blackberries in the Netherlands this year. By producing in both spring and autumn, the berry company is able to extend the blackberry season in Northern Europe. This way they live up to their promise to always delight consumers with fresh, beautiful and delicious berries.

The company started testing glasshouse blackberries in the Netherlands a few years ago. Lowie Claessens, Driscoll’s Agronomy & Applied Research Manager Northern Europe: “We first did some trials on a small scale to see how our blackberry varieties perform in a covered environment. This was a big success. By growing in a controlled environment, in which we can adjust the climate ourselves, we are able to produce large volumes of sweet and tasty blackberries. Our glasshouse production enables us to grow closer to the Northern European market, this way we can deliver berries with a much longer shelf life to our consumers.”

Jan Diepstraten is proud of his Driscoll's glasshouse blackberries

Dutch Driscoll’s growers Jan and Alfons Diepstraten started producing glasshouse blackberries only this spring. Jan Diepstraten: “We were already growing Driscoll’s strawberries in the glasshouse on behalf of the growers association Best of Four when we heard about their outstanding blackberries. As Driscoll’s is known for its high performing blackberry varieties, we thought; let’s give it a go! Yet, I did not expect the first year would already be such a success: not only in terms of volume, but also quality wise. Now I have to make sure our team of pickers is also at full capacity in winter time. ”

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