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September 23, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT

Canada: Webinar on geothermal potential of British Columbia, Canada

Free Webinar on Geothermal Potential by BC Sustainable Energy Association on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT

In Canada, the geothermal industry has yet to gain traction despite having world class resources. It has great promise… but what will it take to turn the promise into reality?

Our guest presenter Alison Thompson has dedicated a substantial part of her career to investigating and demonstrating the technical and commercial viability of high enthalpy geothermal energy. Since 2007, she has been the Managing Director and Executive Director of the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association –

Recordings of many of our BCSEA Webinars are available at

To sign up for the free webinar, please follow the link below:

Click here to register.
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