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Warehouse versus Greenhouse:

US (CO): A rift in the recreational marijuana industry

Whatever else comes from the public hearing last week on proposed new production rules, it's apparent that Colorado's still nascent recreational marijuana industry does not speak with one voice.

As Rocky Mountain PBS I-News reported following the hearing, the most contentious issue is placing more stringent limitations on the number of plants that can be grown in greenhouses. This as opposed to the different number of plants that the proposed rules would allow to be grown in warehouse settings.

From there it gets complicated.

The proposed rule would allow 3,600 plants to be grown in a warehouse, with the attendant intense use of electricity for lighting and ventilation systems. But only 1,800 plants could be grown in greenhouses or outdoor cultivation settings, which are more dependent on natural light.

“This is completely against what we need to do,” said Greg Duran, a cannabis greenhouse consultant and marijuana industry advocate. “We need to make the leap from being inside and use greenhouse techniques to reduce the light we have to use, reduce water, reduce costs.”

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