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Flowers Canada to launch traceability marketing initiative & members’ only website

Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. (FCO) is pleased to announce the launch of a members’ only website and a traceability QR code initiative that, when scanned, can link products to a farmer, as part of its B-Fast B-Secure Project initiative. The program will be launched in November 2013 for all FCO participating members.

This traceability tool will enable Ontario’s floriculture sector to become more innovative and competitive while strengthening the capacity of floriculture growers to respond to quarantine events. With a simple unique QR code attached to every product, anyone will be able to scan the product and locate the origin. Growers will be able to use these easily adaptable QR codes on stickers, packaging, business cards, labels and/or signage.

Dean Shoemaker, FCO’s Executive Director commented, “By partnering with our members, we will be able to identify and trace back all of the floriculture products in Ontario as the first step in the implementation of a traceability and bio-security strategy for Ontario’s floricultural greenhouse growers.”

Nikki Gomes, FCO’s Director of Marketing explained, “Our Members have been waiting for a unified portal where they can promote their greenhouse products, provide plant care tips, and track results, which will all be driven by efficient and unique QR codes. This a great way to assist growers in the development of an innovative information share application.”

FCO’s B-Fast B-Secure Project was developed in support of FCO’s mission, which is to enhance the profitability and competitiveness of Ontario’s floriculture industry. The traceability and bio-security project will provide floricultural producers in Ontario with the tools they need to respond quickly to any quarantine issues. The traceability system has been developed to be the first step in a comprehensive traceability strategy for the movement of all plants and plant materials.

Investment in this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP). In Ontario, this program is delivered by the Agricultural Adaptation Council.

FCO is the provincial trade and professional association of the Ontario floral industry serving the floriculture sector and its Members, greenhouse floriculture producers, for over 40 years. FCO’s mission is to enhance the profitability and competitiveness of Ontario’s floriculture sector by helping growers address common issues. FCO strives to help growers find solutions in trade, plant bio-security, and research & innovation, human resources, environment, marketing and risk management.

For more information on FCO please visit You can also contact the office directly by calling 1-800-698-0113 or emailing [email protected].
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