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Pakistan: US will train farmers to increase products

The US government announced Wednesday that it will help 45,000 Pakistan farmers in the fruit, vegetable, dairy, and livestock sectors to increase their profits by imparting them a “specialised training” in improving their products and sales.

Farmers will work with US-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to form over 3,000 small farmers’ groups and will receive specialized training to improve their products and sales.

The Agribusiness Project is one of the many initiatives that the United States and Pakistan are carrying out together to create jobs and increase incomes.

The United States and Pakistan are expanding irrigation by 200,000 acres to spur agricultural activity near the Gomal Zam and Satpara dams; constructing more than 1,000 km of roads to connect communities and facilitate trade; modernizing dairy farms in Punjab; and launching investment funds that will provide capital to help small and medium businesses grow, it said .

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